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2024-25 VENDORS


Brookford Farm^**+

Freedom Food Farm^**+

Heron Pond Farm**+

Kimball Fruit Farm**+

Mycoterra Farm**+

11/2, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5

Red Fire Farm^**+

The Good Food Farm**+

Traveling Cap Mushroom Co.**+

11/9, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14, 12/21, 1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Winter Moon Roots**+

12/7, 12/14, 12/21, 1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8,



Brookford Farm^**+

Bell & Goose Cheese+

11/9, 11/23, 12/14, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Freedom Food Farm^**+

Lilac Hedge Farm+

Round Table Farm+

11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/21, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5

Stillman Quality Meats+

The Good Food Farm**+



Boston Smoked Fish Co.+


Blisspoint Meadery

11/9, 11/23, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Gumption Elixir Co. +

11/16, 11/23, 1/11, 1/18, 2/22, 3/22

House Bear Brewing

11/2, 11/9, 12/7, 12/21, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5

Luluna Kombucha+



2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Urban Pharm+

​11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12


Cafes Duarte+

11/9, 11/23, 1/4, 1/18, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15

Del's Coffee Roasters+

11/23, 12/21, 1/25, 2/8, 3/8


Ever's Distributors+

11/16, 12/7, 2/1, 3/22

Mocha Connection+

11/2, 12/14, 1/11, 2/22, 3/29


Big Little Pies+

​12/21, 1/4, 1/11, 1/25, 2/22

Castle Cookies+

11/16, 12/7, 2/1, 3/1, 3/15 

Crepe du Jour+

11/9, 11/23, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Drive-by Pies+

11/2, 12/7, 1/18, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12


Hi-Rise Bread Co.+

11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/21, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5

Mama Jean+

1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22

Mariposa Bakery+


NAVAD Bakers+

11/9, 11/23, 12/14, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Sueños Chocolate+

1/25, 2/8, 4/5

Something Sweet without Wheat+

1/4, 1/18, 2/15, 3/1, 4/5

Swanski's Bakeshop+

11/9, 11/23, 12/14, 2/15, 3/15

Tick Tock Chocolates+

11/23, 12/14, 12/21, 2/8, 4/12

Three Hundred Fifty+

11/2, 11/16, 11/23, 12/14, 12/21

Specialty Foods

Aya's Culture Kitchen+

11/23, 1/11, 1/25, 2/22, 3/8,4/5

Chiqui's Kitchen+
11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29

Craic Sauce+

11/16, 1/11, 2/8, 3/8, 3/29

Grateful Tastes+

11/9, 11/23, 12/14, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Habibi Gourmet Food+

Matki - Artisanal Kulfi+

11/9, 1/25, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22

Mei Mei Dumplings+

11/9, 11/23, 12/14, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Mind Body Snack+

12/21, 1/4, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5

Mother's Kitchen+

11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12

Nibble Kitchen+

11/9, 11/23, 12/14, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12

Olive World+

11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/21, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5

Roots & Spoon+

11/2, 11/16, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5

Sa's Homestyle+

11/2, 11/9, 12/7, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 4/12

Tex Mex Eats+
11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12


11/9, 11/23, 12/14, 1/11, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5, 4/12

What the Pickles+

2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/5

Wild Fox Pierogi+

11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/21, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5

Non-Food Products

Allumette Candle Co.

11/2, 11/16, 2/1, 2/8, 4/12

Beverly Bees

11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/14, 1/4, 1/18, 1/25, 2/22, 3/22, 4/5

Buzz & Thrive Gardens

11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 12/7, 12/14, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5

Elzire's Acre Goat Milk Soap

11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/21, 1/4, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29

Herd Supply Co.

11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/5, 4/12

Heritage Clothing Co.

11/2, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14, 1/25

One Wick Away

11/9, 1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 3/8, 3/22

Rag Hill Farm

12/7, 12/21

Wonky Willow Gardens

11/23, 1/11, 2/8, 4/12



Garbage to Garden

Venier Forge

11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12


^ = certified organic

** = HIP approved

+ = local SNAP Match approved

Vendors participate weekly unless specific dates are specified 

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Center for Arts at the Armory

191 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA 02143



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